Judging cairn terriers in Herning 6. November 2016
It is quiet a long time ago since i judged cairn terriers in Denmark so i was very much looking forward !
There were entered 75 dogs and i was very surprised about the quality! At the moment your cairn terriers are so nice. I remember the time that we had a lot of variety: small ones, big ones, high on the legs, low on the legs, too less angulation and too much angulation.
At the moment the quality is very high!.
When i gave so many dogs an excellent is thought that i was may be too kind but many of them deserved a good qualification.
Most of the dogs are good in size, not too low on the legs neither too high. I love the heads very much. They are well balanced between skull and muzzle with a correct length in muzzle. Some dogs are a bit narrow in skull and flat in stop. Eyes are dark with a keen expression. Most of the dogs has a good earset altough some carried them a bit wide.
The shoulder angulation needs attention. A cairn needs forechest and if not they don’t move correct in front. I was very happy with the “normal” length in neck and just a few dogs has a short back which is not correct. Most of the dogs has a correct tailset and well angulated hindquarters. A few dogs are sickle hocked, a fault we saw yeas ago frequently. Coat are correct: double with a harsh coat.
Some dogs need a more active movement. One point of concern is the handling. A good cairn terrier must show himself and some handlers were kneeling down and tried to push them in the correct position!
Flying back to Holland I was thinking that Scandinavia has the highest quality in cairn terriers and that the winners can compete all over the world!
I enjoyed the judging very much because you are excellent exhibitors