Several years ago I was invited to judge Cairns at the Dansk Kennel Klub. When I got the invitation I was delighted, but a little apprehensive. As an American our Standard is slightly different and our style can be a bit different from the Scandanavia Cairns.
I was not sure the opinion of an American non breeder judge would be received.
Because of the Dog World becoming closer and closer our opinions have become more similar. We do see many Scandanavia Cairns here in the States today. Many breeders are importing stock to improve our lines and it has been very successful to American breeders.
Before leaving home Lydia Hutchinson assured me that I would see some nice Cairns in Denmark. I had no clue just how much depth of quality I would enjoy.
I was shocked to see class after class of top quality.
There was only one minor class of males that I found a bit lacking. Every other class was teaming with top quality.
The Best Male was a dog that has it all. He has an attitude that makes you realize that he would be willing and capable of working all day long. There were several other males that were not far behind him in quality.
Judging the bitches was a very challenging task since the quality was so deep and some decisions could be argued different ways. The winning bitch and the reserve bitch could have gone either way. The winning bitch was so much like the Best Male this made for a very consistant pair. They both had the same shape and had the same kind of dynamic movement. It was not an easy decision between the dog and bitch for B.O.B.
I have judged the American Floating National and many specialties. I have never judged an entry of Cairns before with this much depth of quality. Denmark has to take great pride on being able to breed such quality. Overall this was no one area that I found the breed to be suffering in. Some front movement could be improved upon, but I think this was with some of the younger ones, which will improve with maturity when they drop and settle into their fronts.
I hope that more American breeders will be able to see the Cairns of Denmark and will be able to acquire some breeding stock. We have been able to acquire some top stock from Sweden, which has been helpful to the breeders in that States.
I am writing this on our Thanksgiving Holiday. Ironic since I have to be so thankful for the wonderful assignment of judging Cairns in Denmark. I would like to thank all the breeders for making for a day I will never forget!
. Most sincerely, Desi Murphy